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Bobby Robson: The £7.5 Million Pound Mistake
In the early days of managing Newcastle, Bobby Robson saw Jason Euell playing upfront for Wimbledon and thought he was a fantastic player. But Bobby Robson is not very good with names and tells his scout to make enquires about the young black lad, England under 21 player, who plays upfront for Wimbledon.
The only problem was that Wimbledon had moved Jason Euell back to midfield and put Carl Cort up front for Wimbledon, who is also a young black lad and an England under 21 player.
So the scout comes back and asks Bobby Robson if he wants to put a bid in for Carl Cort and Bobby Robson says yes put a £7.5 million pound bid for the young black lad, England under 21 player, who plays upfront for Wimbledon.
Now Jason Euell is arguably a much better player than Carl Cort and maybe worth £7.5 million pounds but Carl Cort is not worth that much, so when Wimbledon received a bid of £7.5 million pounds for Carl Cort, they could not sign fast enough.
So after a short while, Bobby Robson finds out that he has bought the wrong player but hasn't let it out yet.